Member access to wood shop & metal shop equipment is assigned to an individual and cannot be shared. Before gaining access to all the equipment our member are required to sign a workshop agreement and go through a shop orientation and safety course. Additional courses and classes are offered for some of our more complex equipment like the CNC.
If you're just starting out or need weekend access to additional equipment beyond your home shop, this membership is an excellent choice. The time saved using the Timesaver alone makes this membership a valuable investment.
Access Hours: Friday - Sunday 7am-9pm
Membership Cost: $100/month
This membership is ideal for on-site businesses, such as construction companies. While you might not need a dedicated studio, having access to our extensive tool selection and finish room can significantly enhance your operations.
Access Hours: Everyday 7am-9pm
Membership Cost: $200/month
Ready to jump in? Tell us about yourself and we will get you set up!
STudio space
All of our studio renters enjoy 24/7 access, ensuring that you’re never restricted from your business or belongings. Renting a studio gets you access to conference room, photo studio and break room but does not give you access to wood & metal equipment unless a membership is also purchased.
Access Hours: 24hrs a day 7 days a week
Studio cost: $2.50 per square foot/ month
17,000 square feet
of shared space
Your membership gives you access to 17,000 square feet of amenities. Your $200/month doesn’t just provide you with a professional wood shop, its so much more!
An able trade membership includes…
Access to wood shop
Access to metal shop
Finishing room
Custom Key Card
Conference room
Internet and all other utilities
Discounts on classes
Access to Cyc wall photography studio
Promotional opportunities at gallery nights and other events
Loading dock access
Forklift services
Break room / Full kitchen (with 8 different ways to make coffee, and counting)
Most importantly, being around really cool people
How does 24,000 square feet break down
The Able Trade wood shop has everything you need to run a woodworking business. But how do multiple members share the equipment? Similar to a gym, the work flow typically works itself out and for the CNC and finish room you are able to schedule your slot to help plan out your work flow. Schedule a tour to learn more.
Wood shop Machinery
12″ Moak Jointer
8″ Powermatic Jointer with helical cutterhead
15″ Grizzly Planer with helical cutterhead
24″ Crescent Planer
Hitachi Resaw bandsaw
14” Harvey bandsaw
16″ Tanneewitz Table Saw with powerfeed
Saw Stop with slider
Delta Unisaw
Dewalt Mitersaw
16″ Northfield Radial arm saw
48″ Delta lathe w/Vega duplicator
48” Powermatic lathe
Sawstop Router Table
2 Drill Presses
Powermatic hollowing chisel mortiser
Panto Router
Inventables X-Carve Pro CNC 4x4 - x2
10” box sander
State spindle sander
12″ Disc Sander
Time Saver 37” Wide Belt Sander
Blum minipress -hinge boring machine
Kreg pocket hole machine
Handheld Sharper Origin CNC
5’ x 12’ Vacuum press table
Powermatic Shaper
Compressed air supply to whole shop
Dust collection to all tools
12ft clamp rack
“Access to all the tools: What a deal!
Connection to other makers & markets for my work: Huge Bonus!
Wandering around the shop & exploring new ideas with a bunch of rad geniuses & artists: Priceless!
Able Trade is my kind of playground.”

Metal Shop
Able Trade is proud to show off our new and improved metal shop. Now located at the far other end of the building it has everything a metal shop needs and enough to space for multiple workers at one time. Schedule a tour to learn more.
Metal shop Machinery
12” Cut off Saw
Miller Multimatic 215
Mig Welders
Tig Welders
Stick Welders
Bench grinder
Belt/Disc Sander
Horizontal Bandsaw
Machinist Lathe
Plasma cutter
Sandblasting cabinet
48 inch foot shear
Drill press
OxyAcetylene Torch
Acorn fab table
Vertical Bandsaw
Vertical Mill with DRO’s
Compact bender
Tubing roller
Hydraulic tube bender